USCIS “Do It Yourself” Immigration Videos from Mark C. Daly for Married Couples – Video 1

Here is the first in a new 7 part, three and a half hour video tutorial series I created to support immigrants filling out their green card applications with USCIS. These free videos provide a fire hydrant of legal and procedural info for spouses who want to “do it yourself”. A fast, step by step guide crammed with tips from over 20 years of practice mistakes. This is my public service commitment to provide equal access to legal services. Immigrants represent the best of who we are in the US. I do not approve of Trump and his henchmen preying upon immigrants to fulfill his dark, xenophobic, sadistic leadership promises. I do not intend to stand by and watch them dismantle our orderly, fair, due process based immigration system and impose their chaotic, disorganized, toxic criminal enterprise.